Install Raspberry Pi’s vcgencmd
on Fedora
This post is a continuation of my previous one about setting up a cluster of Raspberry Pis running Fedora. After I got the cluster to compute something, @ColsonXu, the cluster’s owner, asked me if I could monitor the CPU temperature of each Raspberry Pi by running this command:
$ /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
The vcgencmd
is included in Raspberry Pi OS (formerly called Raspbian) as a utility for
retrieving information about Raspberry Pi’s hardware. However, it is not
included in Fedora’s software repositories. Luckily though, the source code of
, along with the entire userland
package that contains the program, is
available, so we can compile it on our own.
Build and Install the Program
Install the required compilers and build tools, and Git for retrieving the source code.
$ sudo dnf install cmake gcc gcc-c++ make git
Clone the
package’s source code, then enter its directory.$ git clone $ cd userland
./buildme --aarch64
to compile the program for theaarch64
architecture Fedora runs on and install it.After the compilation completes and before the installation, there might a prompt from
asking for authentication. Enter the required credentials to proceed.$ ./buildme --aarch64
After this command completes, the vcgencmd
program can be found under
Tell the System About /opt/vc
If the vcgencmd
program is invoked now, the following error message is
expected to show up:
$ /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This error is caused by the operating system not knowing where to find the
shared object file
. That file does exist under /opt/vc/lib
but the system is not told to find the file from that directory. To solve this
issue, create a file whose name ends with .conf
under the /etc/
directory, and add the following line to the file:
Then, run the following command to apply the change:
$ sudo ldconfig
Running /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd
now should no longer produce the error message.
It can be tedious when the full path to the vcgencmd
program must be entered
to run it every time. To avoid this, add /opt/vc/bin
to the PATH
environment variable. One way of doing this is to edit ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment
if ! [[ "$PATH" =~ "$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:" ]]
+ PATH="/opt/vc/bin:$PATH"
export PATH
Then, run the following command for the change to take effect:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Configure Device Permissions and User Group
At this point, if vcgencmd
is run using a normal user account to read
hardware information, the VCHI initialization failed
error might show up.
Most solutions to this issue posted online would say that the user account used
to run the program should be added to the video
group. However, these
solutions assume that vcgencmd
is being run on Raspberry Pi OS. On Fedora,
doing only this will not suffice. The VCHI device also needs to be configured
so that video
group users can access it. This is done by adding a new udev
This rule has only been tested on relatively-new Linux kernel versions (5.16 and above); it might not work on older kernels. If the rule does not work because the kernel version is too old, please upgrade to the latest kernel.
To add the udev rule, create a new file whose file extension is .rules
, and add the rule as a line of text to the file. This can
be achieved by running the following command, which will install the rule to a
file called 92-local-vchiq-permissions.rules
$ sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/92-local-vchiq-permissions.rules <<< 'KERNEL=="vchiq",GROUP="video",MODE="0660"'
Once the udev rule is copied to the correct location, it may be applied
immediately without a reboot by using udevadm
$ sudo udevadm trigger /dev/vchiq
To see if the rule is in effect, check the permission settings for the VCHI
device file /dev/vchiq
. If its group is video
, then the udev rule has been
successfully activated.
$ ls -l /dev/vchiq
crw-rw----. 1 root video 511, 0 Nov 9 23:17 /dev/vchiq
Once this is done, any user in the video
group can invoke vcgencmd
getting the same error. The following command can be used to add the current
user account to the video
group; however, the change will not take effect
until the account is logged out.
$ sudo usermod -aG video $USER
Use DNF to Install the Program
Don’t want to build vcgencmd
by yourself? I have made an RPM package for
and uploaded it to a Copr
so anyone can get vcgencmd
working by simply running the following DNF
$ sudo dnf copr enable leo3418/raspberrypi-userland
$ sudo dnf install raspberrypi-userland
With this installation method, all the building and installation steps
described above can be skipped, including creating a .conf
file under
, modifying ~/.bashrc
, and installing the udev rule. The
only thing that must be done manually is to add the user account to the video
You can also build the RPM packages for userland
by yourself from the SPEC
file I wrote for it. For this one, I will only give a demo of how to build the
RPM packages instead of detailed instructions.