Gentoo Configuration Guide: GNOME on systemd

Updated: 5 minutes to read

Getting a perfect GNOME configuration on Gentoo is not hard but is tricky. In other words, it would be a piece of cake once you have done it, but it is not easy to get it right with only one shot for the first time. The GNOME Guide on Gentoo Wiki is a good resource and is enough for a barely functional GNOME installation, but there are plenty of rooms for improvements, like removing the authentication dialog when modifying network settings, and enabling Wayland screen sharing in web browsers like Google Chrome.

In this article, I will list the important steps for getting GNOME to run smoothly on Gentoo. Some fundamental steps are already covered by the Gentoo GNOME Guide; others are enhancements not covered by that guide but improve the overall user experience.

This article assumes a Gentoo system that uses systemd, instead of OpenRC.

Select Profile and Install GNOME Packages

The Gentoo Handbook instructs users to select a profile during system installation, and users might have promptly selected the GNOME systemd profile for a system with GNOME and systemd. Please note that enabling this profile alone will not cause GNOME to be installed. The only purpose of the profile is to set up USE flags and other Portage options that are necessary for GNOME to run. This means after enabling the GNOME profile, users need to manually install the GNOME meta-package with emerge.

# emerge --ask gnome-base/gnome

Enable systemd Unit for GNOME Display Manager

To start GNOME automatically upon system boot, the systemd unit for GNOME Display Manager (GDM) needs to be enabled manually. Otherwise, the text-based login console will still be presented after system boot.

# systemctl enable gdm.service

If gdm.service has already been enabled, but after rebooting the system, the GNOME login screen is still not shown, then please try explicitly setting systemd’s default target to

# systemctl set-default

Enable Additional systemd Units for GNOME Settings

There are some systemd units that need to be enabled if the user wants to adjust computer settings via the GNOME Settings app (a.k.a. gnome-control-center).

  • To manage network connections from GNOME Settings, enable NetworkManager.service. This enables NetworkManager, which is capable of managing the system’s network connections. If systemd-networkd is also enabled, it is a good idea to disable systemd-networkd.service to avoid any conflict between these two services.
  • To access Bluetooth settings, enable bluetooth.service.
  • To enable printing settings, enable cups.service.
# systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
# systemctl disable systemd-networkd.service
# systemctl enable bluetooth.service
# systemctl enable cups.service

Allow Modification of Network Settings Without Authentication

By default, superuser privileges are required to modify network settings from GNOME Settings, so users might be asked to authenticate when they connect to a new Wi-Fi network or change network settings, as shown below:

Authentication dialog shown when network settings are being

To allow every user account to modify network settings, create a *.rules file under /etc/polkit-1/rules.d, and add a rule which permits so to the file:

/* /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-networkmanager.rules */

// Allow any user to manage network connections via NetworkManager
polkit.addRule(function (action, subject) {
    if ( == "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.settings.modify.system" &&
        subject.local) {
        return polkit.Result.YES;

Then, restart systemd unit polkit.service to apply the new rule:

# systemctl restart polkit.service

Allow Users in wheel Group to Use Their Own Credentials for Authentication in GNOME

The wheel user group is often used as the group for system administrators on a Unix system. As a common idiom, utilities like sudo are configured to let users in the wheel group execute commands with superuser privileges and authenticate with their own password instead of the root account’s password.

When GNOME needs to execute a task with superuser privileges, like mounting a partition of an internal hard disk, it can ask for authentication in a GUI dialog. However, without proper configuration, it requires credentials for the root account, which is unlike sudo.

Authentication dialog asking for the root account’s

To mimic sudo’s behavior of asking for the user’s own password, create a *.rules file under /etc/polkit-1/rules.d, and add the following rule:

/* /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/49-wheel.rules */

// Allow users in the 'wheel' group to use their own password instead of the
// root password in authentication pop-ups of GNOME
polkit.addAdminRule(function (action, subject) {
    return ["unix-group:wheel"];

After restarting the systemd unit polkit.service, the user’s own credentials will be requested for authentication instead, provided the user is in the wheel group:

Authentication dialog asking for the user’s

Enable WebRTC Screen Sharing Based on PipeWire in Web Browsers

Enabling WebRTC-based screen sharing from web browsers on Wayland – which is the default display server protocol used by GNOME – is a tricky thing many users have asked about. The solution to this problem is fairly simple, which is to ensure xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is installed.

On Gentoo, sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is guaranteed to be installed with gnome-base/gnome-shell because the latter package indirectly depends on the former package. However, WebRTC screen sharing requires additional configurations to be functional:

  • The screencast USE flag needs to be enabled at the global level, so packages can be compiled with PipeWire’s screencast portal support.

  • The systemd socket for PipeWire – pipewire.socket – needs to be manually enabled because it is disabled by default.

The detailed steps are:

  1. Enable the screencast USE flag at the global level. The Gentoo Handbook covers one way of doing this via modifying /etc/portage/make.conf; alternatively, users can add the USE flag into /etc/portage/package.use as follows:

    # /etc/portage/package.use
    # Enable screencast portal using PipeWire
    */* screencast
  2. Rebuild existing packages with the new USE flag settings:

    # emerge --ask --newuse --deep @world
  3. Enable PipeWire’s systemd socket:

    # systemctl --global enable pipewire.socket
  4. Reboot the system.

According to ArchWiki, FireFox has WebRTC PipeWire support enabled by default, whereas on Chromium/Google Chrome, the following experimental flag for this feature needs to be enabled:


To test whether screen sharing has been correctly configured, the screen capture test in this test page can be used. After selecting what to share from the dialog, the screen sharing content should be visible on the page, and an orange screen share icon should be in the top bar.

Screen is being shared from Google Chrome


  • Screen shares from Google Chrome do not have sound.