Since the last blog post regarding my GSoC project was posted, I moved on to the next part of the project: improvements on the Kotlin ebuilds in the Spark overlay created during last year’s GSoC, namely dev-java/kotlin-common-bin and dev-lang/kotlin-bin. As shown by the -bin suffix in the packages’ names, these are packages that simply install the Kotlin library and compiler binary JARs pre-built by the upstream instead of build those artifacts from source like how the vast majority of Gentoo packages do and how Gentoo’s guidelines propose. At first, I thought it would be hard to build Kotlin from source on Gentoo with Portage, so I did not make any plan to create separate versions of those packages without the -bin suffix. Coincidentally, I discovered a possible way to work around Portage’s limitations that would prevent Kotlin from being built from source, so I immediately started to conduct experiments on building Kotlin libraries from source within Portage. The experiment results were promising, therefore I decided to spend some time working on this and eventually created ebuilds that can build Kotlin core libraries from source with a success. In this post, I will cover possible challenges in building a project like the Kotlin programming language on Gentoo, how my method of building it on Gentoo was accidentally discovered, and how the final ebuilds were produced.

Difficulty in Building Kotlin from Portage

The Kotlin programming language project uses Gradle as the build system, which is not a Java build system supported by Portage as of now. At this point, the only supported Java build system is Apache Ant, which might look like an unpopular legacy tool. Then why does it have the privilege to be the only supported Java build system? In my personal opinion, the reason is that it is a simple tool which does only one thing and does it well: it merely compiles the source code and does not implement the concept of external project dependencies. Like all common system package managers, Portage itself can already resolve package dependency relationships, and Ant handles compilation of Java sources, so there is a clear separation of concerns here, and the two components complement each other well. However, more sophisticated build systems like Maven and Gradle take over both the duties and do not borrow or lend any dependency with the outside world. If Gradle pulls Guava as a dependency, there is not an effective method for Portage to reuse that copy of Guava yet; if dev-java/guava has been installed via Portage, Gradle does not honor it either and still pulls a copy of Guava for its own. Therefore, Portage and Gradle cannot play together merrily yet, so building Kotlin – a Gradle project – from Portage is not a straightforward task.

Why not just invoke the gradle or the Gradle Wrapper ./gradlew within the ebuild instead, because after all, a software package on a common GNU/Linux distribution, including Gentoo, is mostly defined by the set of commands required to build and install it? If Kotlin can be built just from a shell with a series of Gradle commands, what is the point of not doing it? Well, here are the reasons against this I can think of.

  • Whenever possible, Portage enables the network sandbox when a package is being compiled, so no network access can be successfully made during this process. Gradle needs Internet access to pull a project’s dependencies, but when the network sandbox is enabled, it will just fail. Although the sandbox can be turned off with FEATURES="-network-sandbox" as described in make.conf(5), requiring the users to disable the sandbox opens up the door to attacks.

  • Users cannot control the versions of external dependencies used to build Kotlin, nor can they use custom versions built with their own patches, compromising their freedom. The Kotlin project depends on some third-party libraries like javax.inject and JUnit 4, both of which are shipped in the Gentoo ebuild repository. Gentoo users can apply their own patches to those libraries just as what I did once before to fix bugs. However, if the package is built using Gradle, the copies of those libraries used during the compilation would be the ones pulled by Gradle from somewhere instead of the ones already installed on the system by Portage.

Therefore, due to the lack of Gradle integration in Portage and suboptimal effects of invoking Gradle directly from the ebuild, I had not planned to transform the existing Kotlin ebuilds in the Spark overlay to let them be built from source in my original project proposal. But my idea was changed while I was trying to run the Kotlin project’s test suite in those ebuilds…

Unraveling Gradle’s Secret Recipe for Kotlin Libraries

In my original project proposal, I planned to compile and run the sample programs and the test suite for the Kotlin Standard Library in the dev-lang/kotlin-bin ebuild’s src_test phase function to test if the compiler being installed can work properly, but I had no idea on how the samples and tests should be compiled outside Gradle. Simple invocations of kotlinc without any custom compiler options did not work, so I decided to examine how Gradle would compile them. The first attempt was to run Gradle with the --debug argument in the hope to find the compiler options in the debug output, and it worked:

2021-06-26T10:39:50.067-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] Kotlin compiler class: org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler

2021-06-26T10:39:50.068-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] Kotlin compiler classpath:
... /usr/lib64/openjdk-8/lib/tools.jar

2021-06-26T10:39:50.068-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN] :kotlin-stdlib:compileTestKotlin Kotlin compiler args:
-classpath /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/java/main:/home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/kotlin/main:/home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/coroutines-experimental/build/libs/kotlin-coroutines-experimental-compat-1.4.255-SNAPSHOT.jar:...:/home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/42a25dc3219429f0e5d060061f71acb49bf010a0/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
-d /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/kotlin/test
-jdk-home /usr/lib64/openjdk-8 -module-name kotlin-stdlib -no-reflect
-no-stdlib -api-version 1.4
-language-version 1.4 -Xmulti-platform -verbose -Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn
-Xread-deserialized-contracts -Xjvm-default=compatibility
-Xno-kotlin-nothing-value-exception -Xnormalize-constructor-calls=enable
-Xir-binary-with-stable-abi -Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn
-Xopt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes -Xopt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalStdlibApi

So there were lots of -X options used behind the scene, and they are not documented anywhere, neither in the output of kotlinc -help nor in the official compiler reference… good job JetBrains. But this was a great discovery: not only could the test suite be successfully compiled with the additional options shown in the debug output, but the debug log also contained Kotlin compiler arguments for every Kotlin core library module, including kotlin-stdlib itself. If what Gradle would use to build the Kotlin libraries was nothing but the same Kotlin compiler called with the kotlinc command, then it might be possible to build the libraries without using Gradle, hence they could be built from source on Gentoo with Portage!

2021-06-26T10:38:17.046-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Task] [KOTLIN]
:kotlin-stdlib:compileKotlin Kotlin compiler args: -Xallow-no-source-files
-classpath /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/core/builtins/build/libs/builtins-1.4.255-SNAPSHOT.jar:...:/home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/common/build/libs/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.4.255-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains/annotations/13.0/919f0dfe192fb4e063e7dacadee7f8bb9a2672a9/annotations-13.0.jar
-d /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/kotlin/main
-jdk-home /usr/lib64/openjdk-8 -module-name kotlin-stdlib -no-reflect
-no-stdlib -api-version 1.4
-language-version 1.4 -Xmulti-platform -verbose -version -Xallow-kotlin-package
-Xallow-result-return-type -Xmultifile-parts-inherit
-Xnormalize-constructor-calls=enable -Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn
-Xopt-in=kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts -Xinline-classes
-Xuse-14-inline-classes-mangling-scheme -Xjvm-default=compatibility

After getting the tests to compile in the dev-lang/kotlin-bin ebuild, I immediately started the experiment to build kotlin-stdlib from source using those arguments and was able to get a JAR that passed japi-compliance-checker and could almost pass the pkgdiff check with only 7 missing kotlin_builtins files. I also inspected the compiled JAR myself and it seemed that most .class files were identical to the classes in the JAR pre-built by the upstream. This result was really exciting and promising. Although the compiled JAR was still not perfect, kotlinc was able to generate .class files for Kotlin sources that are the same as the ones built by JetBrains, opening up an opportunity to create the ebuild that compiles kotlin-stdlib from source.

A Working JAR for Kotlin Standard Library

I was not sure whether or not the kotlin_builtins files were really necessary and was not aware of how they should be built either, so I chose to first test it by using the JAR created by my ebuild with the Kotlin compiler, a consumer of the Kotlin Standard Library. Before I could even compile a Kotlin program, the following error popped up.

$ kotlinc
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.Preloader.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler$Companion.main(K2JVMCompiler.kt)
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler.main(K2JVMCompiler.kt)
	... 6 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.MemoryBasedClassLoader.loadClass(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.MemoryBasedClassLoader.loadClass(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.MemoryBasedClassLoader.loadClass(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.MemoryBasedClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 8 more

So the compiler could not find the class kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics. I compared the JAR built by my ebuild and the JAR from the upstream again and could see that the class was missing in my JAR. This seemed strange until I searched for the class in the Kotlin project’s source tree and found that it would be compiled to libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/java/main, the compiler output directory for Java sources of the kotlin-stdlib module. The source file was located at libraries/stdlib/jvm/runtime/kotlin/jvm/internal/

$ find -name 'Intrinsics.class'
$ find -name ''

This suggested that the Kotlin project also contains some Java source files which cannot be processed by kotlinc but should be compiled with javac instead. I tried to search for occurrences of the paths mentioned above in the debug output and was able to find the arguments to javac used to build Java sources including and was able to find the following log message in it:

2021-06-26T21:01:07.709-0700 [DEBUG]
[org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.NormalizingJavaCompiler] Compiler
arguments: -source 1.6 -target 1.6
-d /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/java/main
-encoding UTF-8
-h /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/generated/sources/headers/java/main
-g -sourcepath  -proc:none
-s /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main
-classpath /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/common/build/libs/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.5.255-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/core/builtins/build/libs/builtins-1.5.255-SNAPSHOT.jar:/home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains/annotations/13.0/919f0dfe192fb4e063e7dacadee7f8bb9a2672a9/annotations-13.0.jar:/home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/libraries/stdlib/jvm/build/classes/kotlin/main
-proc:none -proc:none

Once I added commands to compile those Java sources to my ebuild and built a new JAR with it, the error was replaced by a different one:

$ kotlinc
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
	at org.jetbrains.kotlin.preloading.Preloader.main(
Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: Built-in class kotlin.Any is not found
	at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns$3.invoke(
	at kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl.builtins.KotlinBuiltIns$3.invoke(

Though I did not fully understand the error message, it mentioned “built-in class”, so I thought it probably had something to do with the kotlin_builtins files. Again, I looked for files with that file name extension, found where those files were located, and searched for occurrences of relevant file paths in the debug log to locate the command used to generate those files.

$ find -name "*.kotlin_builtins"
2021-06-26T20:59:06.995-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.internal.execution.steps.SkipUpToDateStep] Determining if task ':core:builtins:serialize' is up-to-date
2021-06-26T20:59:06.995-0700 [INFO] [org.gradle.internal.execution.steps.SkipUpToDateStep] Task ':core:builtins:serialize' is not up-to-date because:
  No history is available.
2021-06-26T20:59:06.996-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.internal.execution.steps.CreateOutputsStep] Ensuring directory exists for property $1 at /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/core/builtins/build/serialize
2021-06-26T20:59:06.996-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter] Executing actions for task ':core:builtins:serialize'.
2021-06-26T20:59:07.000-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner] Build operation 'Resolve files of :bootstrapCompilerClasspath' completed
2021-06-26T20:59:07.000-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner] Build operation 'Resolve files of :bootstrapCompilerClasspath' completed

2021-06-26T20:59:07.004-0700 [INFO]
[org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Starting process 'command '/usr/lib64/openjdk-8/bin/java''.
Working directory: /home/leo/Projects/forks/kotlin/core/builtins
/usr/lib64/openjdk-8/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant
-cp /home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-compiler-embeddable/1.5.0-RC-556/a4a87c1d6fc276d05847f573cd4eed855925f890/kotlin-compiler-embeddable-1.5.0-RC-556.jar:...:/home/leo/.nobackup/gradle/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.5.0-RC-556/c559a0e2827828c93165e22edbac2faa1426f5b7/kotlin-stdlib-common-1.5.0-RC-556.jar
org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.builtins.RunKt build/serialize src native build/src

2021-06-26T20:59:07.004-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Changing state to: STARTING
2021-06-26T20:59:07.004-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Waiting until process started: command '/usr/lib64/openjdk-8/bin/java'.
2021-06-26T20:59:07.007-0700 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Changing state to: STARTED
2021-06-26T20:59:07.007-0700 [INFO] [org.gradle.process.internal.DefaultExecHandle] Successfully started process 'command '/usr/lib64/openjdk-8/bin/java''

Interestingly, the command being called here was java instead of javac. java was invoked to run the main method of class org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.builtins.RunKt, which is the class for “Kotlin built-ins serializer”. The class is compiled into the kotlin-compiler.jar in the Kotlin compiler Zip archive distributed by the upstream.

$ java -classpath /opt/kotlin-bin/lib/kotlin-compiler.jar org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.builtins.RunKt
Kotlin built-ins serializer

Usage: ... <destination dir> (<source dir>)+

Analyzes Kotlin sources found in the given source directories and serializes
found top-level declarations to <destination dir> (*.kotlin_builtins files)

The classes compiled from Kotlin sources, the classes compiled from Java sources and the serialized kotlin_builtins files are everything needed to generate a kotlin-stdlib.jar that is fully functional and works with the compiler without obvious issues.

Kotlin Reflection Library: Dependency Resolution and Package Relocation

The Kotlin JVM compiler depends on just two modules in the Kotlin core libraries: kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-reflect. As the Standard Library could be built by my ebuilds, I moved on to the reflection library because once the ebuilds for these two modules were created, I would be able to let the compiler package dev-lang/kotlin-bin depend on them, so users could use the libraries compiled from source with the compiler.

kotlin-stdlib.jar was not hard to build, although doing the build right was tricky. As summarized in the previous section, the Kotlin classes, the Java classes and the serialized built-ins are everything required, and they could be generated with just three commands. With the experience of building kotlin-stdlib, I thought kotlin-reflect could be built in the same way and therefore would just be a piece of cake. As it turned out, building kotlin-reflect was actually not so simple.

For starters, the kotlin-reflect module in the Gradle project was not quite similar to kotlin-stdlib. kotlin-stdlib is a self-contained Gradle subproject which has almost all the source files for kotlin-stdlib.jar in it, whereas kotlin-reflect is more like a virtual subproject which does not contain any source files itself but rather just combines artifacts for a set of other subprojects together to build kotlin-reflect.jar. Below is a dependency graph of the kotlin-reflect module I created using IntelliJ IDEA, just to give you a sense of how complicated kotlin-reflect is compared to kotlin-stdlib.

Dependency graph of the ‘kotlin-reflect’

To deal with such a tangled dependency tree, I created a standalone ebuild for each of these modules and declared the dependency relationships in the ebuild’s DEPEND variable, so the order in which these modules should be built would be computed by Portage. ebuild maintainers would not need to worry about that at all; all they would need to do is to ensure the dependencies are properly declared in every ebuild.

With a bunch of dev-java/kotlin-core-* ebuilds for those :core:* Gradle subprojects, which were created with the help of compiler commands given by the output of ./gradlew --debug as well, my dev-java/kotlin-reflect ebuild could complete the compile phase; however, it could not pass the pkgdiff check. The pkgdiff report strangely showed that many packages that were supposed to be in kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl were “moved” to org.jetbrains.kotlin instead of missing. The Kotlin compiler complained about the resulting kotlin-reflect.jar with an exception too. This was caused by the package relocation process mentioned at this section’s beginning not being executed. I looked into the Gradle build script for the kotlin-reflect module again and found that it would use the Gradle Shadow Plugin to relocate org.jetbrains.kotlin to kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl:

        relocate("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.impl")

This explained the “moved” status in the pkgdiff report, so if I could perform the same package relocation in my ebuilds, pkgdiff should shut up about them. The question is, how could package relocation be done without any build system plugin? I was able to find a jar-relocator program on GitHub, but there was not a Gentoo package for it, so extra work would be required if I had chosen to run it from Portage. At last, I tried to manually perform package relocation with a simple and primitive method: use sed to replace occurrences of the name of the package being relocated with the destination package’s name in the source files, and change the directory structure of the source files accordingly. All of the Gradle subprojects kotlin-reflect depends on would require package relocation, but thankfully, the Gradle project would relocate them all in the same way, so I wrote a kotlin-core-deps.eclass to avoid having duplicate code and put the commands for manual package relocation into the src_prepare phase.

Surprisingly, this dumb way of package relocation worked: the Kotlin compiler was happy to play with the kotlin-reflect.jar produced and could compile Kotlin programs normally as expected. pkgdiff check almost passed with only one extraneous package listed in the report. I tried to remove it from the JAR, but for some reason I still do not know, the compiler failed to start when that package was absent, which is a discrepancy between it and the pre-built JAR from the upstream. Nevertheless, the compiler seemed to operate normally when kotlin-reflect.jar generated by my ebuild was used, so I did not bother to further investigate this issue, which I did not have any clue as to any possible solution.

The Final State

The testing on the kotlin-stdlib.jar and kotlin-reflect.jar created by my ebuilds did not show any issue. I ran the Kotlin Standard Library’s test suite against the kotlin-stdlib.jar and even built a new kotlin-stdlib.jar with it, and its behavior was the same as the pre-built JAR from the upstream. Using the kotlin-stdlib.jar to build other Kotlin core library members including kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 and kotlin-test-junit was successful too. Although the JARs created by the ebuilds were not strictly identical to the upstream’s pre-builts in terms of the list of file contents, I believe the test results have proved that they are functionally equivalent.

In the end, I successfully created installable and usable ebuilds for version 1.4.32 and 1.5.20 of the following Kotlin core libraries:

  • kotlin-annotations-jvm
  • kotlin-reflect
  • kotlin-stdlib
  • kotlin-stdlib-jdk7
  • kotlin-stdlib-jdk8
  • kotlin-stdlib-js
  • kotlin-test
  • kotlin-test-annotations-common
  • kotlin-test-junit
  • kotlin-test-js

For each package among kotlin-annotations-jvm, all kotlin-stdlib* packages and all kotlin-test* packages except those for Kotlin/JS (kotlin-*-js), the JAR created by my ebuild can pass the pkgdiff check against the upstream’s pre-built binary JAR run by the java-pkg-simple.eclass, and it can pass every test case in the test suite from the Kotlin project’s Git repository that the pre-built binary JAR can pass. There are some test cases that will fail for the JARs from my ebuilds, but the pre-built JARs cannot pass them either, so I am not worried about them.

kotlin-reflect, as stated before in this post, cannot pass the pkgdiff check for unknown reasons. Maybe it has something to do with the dumb and simple package relocation method used in my ebuild. And for the kotlin-*-js packages, pkgdiff checks are failing as well because they are essentially JavaScript libraries instead of Java libraries, and I am not familiar with building a JavaScript library at all. I tried my best to reproduce artifacts identical with the upstream, but ebuilds for those packages still have issues in source map generation. I did not choose to invest more time in fixing them because the main focus of my project is on things pertaining to the JVM, namely Java libraries and Kotlin/JVM.

kotlin-test-junit5 and kotlin-test-testng are notable libraries provided by the upstream that are absent from this list because they depend on JUnit 5 and TestNG 6.13+ respectively, neither of which is included in the Gentoo repository at this point.

The ebuilds for those Kotlin libraries are not perfect yet. Though they might be able to build JARs that are functionally equivalent as the upstream pre-builts, there are still things that can be improved upon. For instance, all upstream pre-built JARs support “multi-release”, which means that they support the Java Platform Module System introduced in Java 9. There is no such support in the JARs created by my ebuilds even if a JDK whose version is higher than 1.8 is used.

Anyway, I believe my work has proved that the Kotlin libraries can be built from source on Gentoo just like many other programming languages and platforms. I have to stop here and move on to the other deliverables of my GSoC project, but to help any other people continue working on Kotlin on Gentoo, I will provide some documentation with regards to maintaining my ebuilds and expanding the tree of Kotlin packages. Maybe we can even build the Kotlin compiler from source in addition to the Kotlin libraries and submit the ebuilds to the Gentoo repository in the future, so Gentoo will be the first GNU/Linux distribution that provides Kotlin in its official software repository.