An ebuild Testing Solution for ebuild Repositories

19 minutes to read

Common package managers implement the concept of software repositories to allow the set of packages installable from the package manager to be expanded. On Fedora, there is RPM Fusion and Copr repositories created and maintained by users. Arch Linux users are fond of the AUR, the canonical repository for user-submitted packages. On Gentoo, there is GURU, which is kind of like Gentoo’s equivalent of AUR, but it is just the tip of the iceberg of packages that are not in the official Gentoo ebuild repository (::gentoo). There are various testing overlays maintained by projects and development teams of Gentoo and repositories for out-of-tree ebuilds, like ::gnome, ::java, and ::science, let alone plenty of user personal overlays, like the Spark overlay I have been working on for example.

As covered in my previous blog article, when there are packages, there exist dependency relationships. Out-of-tree packages in an external repository may depend on packages in not only the same repository but also the main repository for the GNU/Linux distribution too because there is no reason to reinvent the wheel if any existing packages suffice for the dependency requirements. For example, packages in the Spark overlay, which are mostly Java packages, depend on some Java libraries packaged in ::gentoo such as dev-java/ant-core, dev-java/gson and dev-java/commons-lang. An extra benefit of reusing existing packages for dependencies for users is that if users have already installed those packages, they do not need to install it again or install another copy, saving both time and disk space.

We are in a universe that is changing every second, and so does ::gentoo. For an average day, the pulse for ::gentoo on GitHub suggests that hundreds of commits are merged into it, and some of these commits would remove outdated versions of a package or even an entire obsolete package. If any external ebuild repositories depend on those removed versions or the removed package, then the ebuilds in them will no longer be installable due to the broken dependency graph caused by the removal. This is exactly what happened to the Spark overlay: after the final release of the overlay for last year’s GSoC, many Java dependencies of ebuilds in it that had been provided by ::gentoo were cleaned up earlier this year.

After less than two weeks of work, I have resolved all missing dependencies and restored ebuilds in the Spark overlay back to a working state. But I promise that more dependencies required by Spark overlay ebuilds will be removed from ::gentoo in the future, and that is when further maintenance will be required. How can I and any other maintainers of the Spark overlay be aware of such issues when they arise? Reinstalling every package in the Spark overlay with the latest copy of ::gentoo every day on our own computers could help detect this kind of problems, but this would not be a realistic solution.

It would be great if there could a dedicated infrastructure that downloads the latest copies of ::gentoo and the Spark overlay to a Gentoo system, tests the Spark overlay ebuilds by installing them onto the system, and reports any installation issues to the maintainers automatically every day. This led me into contemplating leveraging continuous integration (CI) for ebuild installation testing because a CI service is not only capable of doing those types of tasks but also designed for that purpose inherently. In this article, I will present the solution I have deployed to the Spark overlay and have been using during the past two weeks for automated ebuild testing: CI builds within GitHub Actions that conduct installation tests on Spark overlay ebuilds inside a Docker container based on the Gentoo stage3 image, which acts like a minimal Gentoo system image.

Requirements for the Testing Solution

Since I would use the testing solution I was creating myself, I thought about some properties of the ebuild testing solution that I would like to see by reflecting how I tested the ebuilds for Kotlin core libraries from source and also considered any useful features for any other developers who might want to use it under a different workflow.

The first definite requirement I had was that it must support running a sequence of emerge commands in a single environment for testing. This was stemmed from the fact that the current version of my Kotlin ebuilds require more than a single emerge command for installation. This ruled out the possibility of using ebuildtester, an existing Docker-based Gentoo package testing utility, because it does not have an interface for running multiple emerge commands in sequence.

Next, I would like to use a custom set of Portage configuration files (files under ${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}/etc/portage) for the tests. For some critical ebuilds, I would like to not only install them but also run their tests by enabling FEATURES="test" for those specific ebuilds. I did not want to set FEATURES="test" for all ebuilds because there would be no need to run tests for dependency packages from ::gentoo, and turning them off could also reduce the overall test runtime. To achieve this, the most straightforward way is to use /etc/portage/package.env and /etc/portage/env to enable tests only for select packages, hence the ability to use a custom set of Portage configuration files is needed.

# /etc/portage/env/features-test.conf

# /etc/portage/package.env

# Enable tests for ebuilds in the Spark overlay only
*/*::spark-overlay features-test.conf

In addition, any programs used for the tests should be runnable both in a CI environment and on any maintainer’s personal computer, and the behaviors of tests should be consistent everywhere. In the event where an error has occurred in a CI build, this would allow the maintainers to inspect the error locally. As long as the testing solution does not use too many obscure tools, and the tests can be triggered with only a few commands, this requirement is easy to meet.

Last but not least, any ebuild installation tests should be done in an isolated environment rather than directly on the host where the tests are being run. This both avoids messing up maintainers’ systems and prevents instances of It Works for Me™ – for example, an ebuild requires a dependency that exists on a maintainer’s system but is not declared in the ebuild, blocking users who do not have the dependency on their system from successfully installing the ebuild.

ebuild-commander: Run Commands in Docker Container for ebuild Tests

Although ebuildtester could not meet some of the requirements, I appreciated its testing approach: it would create a new environment derived from Gentoo stage3 and install the package requested to be tested in it, and the environment is a Docker container. ebuildtester is like a wrapper of Docker specialized for operations relevant to ebuild installation, and it interacts with Docker via its command-line interface.

Docker is available in both GitHub Actions runners and ::gentoo, and it inherently isolates the file system of any containers used for testing from the host system, so the last two requirements listed in the previous section can be satisfied. For the first two requirements, docker exec can be used to run a command inside a container, and Docker’s bind mount feature (controlled by the --mount and -v flags of some Docker subcommands) is useful for importing a custom Portage configuration directory to the container’s /etc/portage. Inspired by the fact that ebuildtester just calls various docker commands to test installation of an ebuild, I decided to imitate ebuildtester’s implementation and write my own Docker wrapper that supports running multiple commands in a container, by making a batch of docker exec invocations and bind mounting a directory’s contents to /etc/portage.

After stealing lots of code from ebuildtester and adding my augmentations, a program that mimics ebuildtester but accepts a list of commands as input instead of a package atom was created, and I named it ebuild-commander for the fact that it enables users to run any set of commands – not just emerge – in a container used for ebuild testing. The commands list can be stored in a file or passed in via standard input, which both allows the commands to be piped in from another program and enables users to run commands in a Docker container in a pseudo-interactive way.

For Portage configuration directory imports, I first trivially implemented the feature by binding the directory containing the configuration specified in the arguments to ebuild-commander to /etc/portage in the container. But later on, when more test cases using varied Portage configurations were being added, I found that the configuration directory was mostly the same for every test case and had exclusive settings in only a few files. To encourage configuration file reuse, I added layered configuration support to ebuild-commander so it could take multiple configuration directories from the command-line arguments to it, use the first directory as the base configuration, and copy contents in subsequent directories into the base one in order.

For example, if maintainers would like to run a 2-dimensional matrix of tests defined in the following table, they can create a base configuration default and a configuration override for each dimension. Then, they can call ebuild-commander with 2² = 4 different combinations of configuration directories for the test case matrix.

Configurations used USE="-binary" USE="binary"
FEATURES="-test" default default, binary
FEATURES="test" default, features-test default, binary, features-test
├── binary
│   └── package.use
│       └── binary
├── default
│   ├── make.conf
│   └── package.use
│       ├── for-hadoop-common
│       ├── for-openjfx
│       └── scala
└── features-test
    ├── env
    │   └── features-test.conf
    └── package.env
        └── features-test
$ ebuild-cmder --portage-config default
$ ebuild-cmder --portage-config default --portage-config features-test
$ ebuild-cmder --portage-config default --portage-config binary
$ ebuild-cmder --portage-config default --portage-config binary --portage-config features-test

Test Scripts and Test Case Definitions: Inspired by the Format of ebuilds

As demonstrated above, ebuild-commander invocation commands might get very long if many Portage configuration directories are being used, so it would be better to put them into scripts. Because I was working on ebuild creation and maintenance when this testing solution was being developed, design of the scripts that run the test cases with ebuild-commander was largely influenced by the mechanisms of ebuilds.

An ebuild is essentially a Bash-compatible script file. When it is being installed by a Gentoo package manager like Portage, it is sourced to set variables, such as SRC_URI, SLOT and DEPEND, and define functions, like src_compile and src_install. Then, the package manager will call the phase functions declared in the Gentoo Package Manager Specification in order. When an ebuild inherits an eclass, the eclass is sourced in a similar way and can access any variables defined by the ebuild before the inherit statement. source, a plain Bash shell built-in, has the potential to support a sophisticated and powerful system package manager for a GNU/Linux distribution.

Based on the idea of leveraging source, I created a test entry point script that would source each test case given in the arguments to it, build command-line arguments to ebuild-commander according to the variables set in the test case script, and pass commands listed in the run_test function of the test case script to ebuild-commander via standard input.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

DEFAULT_EMERGE_OPTS="--color y --verbose --keep-going"

if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 TESTCASE..."
    exit 1

for script in "$@"; do
    # Reset the environment

    source "${script}"

        --portage-config tests/portage-configs/default
        --custom-repo .
        --emerge-opts "${EMERGE_OPTS:-"${DEFAULT_EMERGE_OPTS}"}"
        ${DOCKER_IMAGE:+--docker-image ${DOCKER_IMAGE}}
        ${PROFILE:+--profile ${PROFILE}}
        ${GENTOO_REPO:+--gentoo-repo ${GENTOO_REPO}}
        ${THREADS:+--threads ${THREADS}}
        ${STORAGE_OPTS:+--storage-opts ${STORAGE_OPTS}}
        ${SKIP_CLEANUP:+--skip-cleanup ${SKIP_CLEANUP}}
    for config in "${PORTAGE_CONFIGS[@]}"; do
        args+=( --portage-config "${config}" )
    for repo in "${CUSTOM_REPOS[@]}"; do
        args+=( --custom-repo "${repo}" )

    # Pipe the run_test function's body into ebuild-commander
    type run_test | sed '1,3d;$d' | "${args[@]}"

A test case could then be defined like this, which is kind of like a mini ebuild with a run_test “phase function”:

# A installation test case for Kotlin packages

PORTAGE_CONFIGS=( tests/portage-configs/kotlin )

run_test() {
    # Library bootstrap stage 1
    USE="binary" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect
    emerge dev-lang/kotlin-bin
    # Library bootstrap stage 2
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect
    # Library bootstrap stage 3
    find /var/db/repos/spark-overlay -type d -name 'kotlin-core-*' \
        -printf '%P\0' | xargs -0 emerge -1 \
        dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-js} dev-java/kotlin-reflect
    # Test additional packages
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-test-js
    emerge dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8
    FEATURES="test" emerge -1 \
        dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-jdk7,-jdk8} \

The PORTAGE_CONFIGS variable would be set in the environment after the test script is sourced by the entry point script, and the entry point script could use its value to add --portage-config options to the arguments to ebuild-commander accordingly. Other variables controlling arguments to ebuild-commander would work in the same way as well.

Finally, type run_test | sed '1,3d;$d' would be used to preprocess the contents of the run_test function for reformatting, white space removal, etc. and to make sure they are ready to be piped into ebuild-commander. This is a Bash trick for obtaining the body of a function. Assuming run_test has been defined as a function, type run_test prints a description of it and its body with curly braces, and sed '1,3d;$d strips the first three lines plus the last line from the input to it.

$ type run_test
run_test is a function
run_test ()
    USE="binary" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    emerge dev-lang/kotlin-bin;
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    find /var/db/repos/spark-overlay -type d -name 'kotlin-core-*' -printf '%P\0' | xargs -0 emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-js} dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-test-js;
    emerge dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8;
    FEATURES="test" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-jdk7,-jdk8} dev-java/kotlin-test{,-junit}
$ type run_test | sed '1,3d;$d'
    USE="binary" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    emerge dev-lang/kotlin-bin;
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    find /var/db/repos/spark-overlay -type d -name 'kotlin-core-*' -printf '%P\0' | xargs -0 emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-js} dev-java/kotlin-reflect;
    emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-test-js;
    emerge dev-java/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8;
    FEATURES="test" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-stdlib{,-jdk7,-jdk8} dev-java/kotlin-test{,-junit}

If there are multiple test cases with a common run_test that differ only in options like PROFILE and PORTAGE_CONFIGS, then the common parts can go into a dedicated file, and all test cases can just source this file to include them. This mechanism is similar to inherit in ebuilds.

# tests/resources/leaf-ebuilds/


run_test() {
    # Update pre-installed packages with required USE flags and versions
    emerge -1 dev-java/jsr305

    # Install Kotlin 1.4
    USE="binary" emerge -1 dev-java/kotlin-{stdlib,reflect}:1.4
    emerge -1 dev-lang/kotlin-bin:1.4

# Test case: USE="binary", FEATURES="-test"

PORTAGE_CONFIGS=( tests/portage-configs/binary )

source tests/resources/leaf-ebuilds/
# Test case: USE="binary", FEATURES="test"


source tests/resources/leaf-ebuilds/

Note that at the end of the run_test function for these test cases is a call to a script located at tests/resources/leaf-ebuilds/ under /var/db/repos/spark-overlay. /var/db/repos/spark-overlay is the mount point of the Spark overlay chosen by ebuild-commander, and any arbitrary script inside the Spark overlay Git repository can be run similarly by appending the script’s path relative to the repository’s root to the mount point. The script calls a Python program that computes the set of leaf ebuilds in the Spark overlay, whose implementation is described in my previous post, then installs each leaf ebuild with emerge. Hence, these test cases can cover every package in the repository. However, they do not necessarily cover every ebuild: in case a package has multiple versions that share the same slot, it is possible that only the latest version in the slot is tested.

GitHub Actions: Test Case Execution and Error Reporting

Now that the test scripts which build and invoke ebuild-commander commands are in place, they are ready to run on both maintainers’ development environment and GitHub Actions, which means a GitHub Actions workflow can be set up to automate test execution. The test scripts can be executed on GitHub Actions in the same way as how someone would start them on their own computer, but there are additional things to consider for GitHub Actions.

The major issue is prolonged test runtime. The GitHub Actions runners hosted by GitHub are not beefy: the ubuntu-latest runners are equipped with only 2 CPU cores. This is bad news especially for people working on Gentoo packages because the packages usually need to be compiled from source, hence this process sets very high demand on the test runner’s performance. There is also a 6-hour job execution time limit on those runners. It is possible to use self-hosted GitHub Actions runners with better hardware, but not everyone can afford this.

The 6-hour job duration limit would have meant that if the time taken to run through all test cases on a GitHub-hosted runner might be longer than this, then the tests could not complete. However, test execution can be parallelized by using multiple workflow jobs: each job only runs a single test case, and all test cases can thus be run concurrently. This relaxes the test runtime limit so that as long as no single test case needs more than 6 hours to run, the tests would work fine.

To run multiple jobs together, job configurations matrix can be used to define jobs that consist of the same steps with differences only in some parameters. The following snippet shows how I defined two build matrices for two kinds of test cases. I must confess that lots of duplicate code exists in the build matrix definitions since the second matrix has only one additional step the first matrix does not need; however, I still decided to define them separately because they are inherently two different types of test cases which might be changed to be run differently in the future.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
          - spark
          - kotlin-latest
          - kotlin-1.4
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.9
      - uses: ./.github/actions/run-test-case
          path: ./tests/test-cases/${{ matrix.test-case }}.sh
      - name: Export ebuild logs if test case failed
        if: ${{ failure() }}
        run: |
          (docker exec $(docker ps -lq) tar -cJvf - /var/log/emerge || true) \
          > emerge.tar.xz; [[ -s emerge.tar.xz ]] || rm emerge.tar.xz          
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: ${{ matrix.test-case }}-ebuild-logs
          path: emerge.tar.xz

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.may-fail }}
      fail-fast: false
        may-fail: [true]
          - leaf-ebuilds
          - leaf-ebuilds-test
          - leaf-ebuilds-binary-test
          - may-fail: false
            test-case: leaf-ebuilds-binary
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: 3.9
      - uses: ./.github/actions/setup-leaf-ebuilds-job
      - uses: ./.github/actions/run-test-case
          path: ./tests/test-cases/${{ matrix.test-case }}.sh
      - name: Export ebuild logs if test case failed
        if: ${{ failure() }}
        run: |
          (docker exec $(docker ps -lq) tar -cJvf - /var/log/emerge || true) \
          > emerge.tar.xz; [[ -s emerge.tar.xz ]] || rm emerge.tar.xz          
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: ${{ matrix.test-case }}-ebuild-logs
          path: emerge.tar.xz

For both build matrices, there is a fail-fast: false setting which prevents all jobs in a matrix from being cancelled after a job in the matrix fails. Even if a single job has failed, whether or not other jobs in the same matrix can pass would still be valuable to know, so maintainers can wait for all jobs to complete, fix all issues, and test the changes together in a single new GitHub Actions workflow run, instead of fix the single issue, push the change, trigger another workflow run, find another error in a different job, etc.

For the leaf-ebuilds matrix, an continue-on-error setting is added, and its value is extracted from the may-fail parameter for each job in the matrix. This option controls whether or not the entire workflow should be declared to be a failed one when the job fails, and its purpose is to allow maintainers to ignore failures of a test case that is known to be unstable or failing. To be honest, every test case is supposed to pass, and it would be better to completely disable failing tests completely. Unfortunately, I would not have had enough time left for the remaining parts of my GSoC project if I had decided to continue working on the existing ebuilds in the Spark overlay to let all test cases pass, so I configured them this way in the hope to get a maintainer to fix the issues and pass the tests in the future.

Next, there are uses of some custom actions, i.e. those whose names start with ./.github/actions. These can be regarded as custom functions for GitHub Actions. For example, the run-test-case action is like a function that sets up ebuild-commander and related files before it calls the test entry point script to run the specified test case, and it looks like this:

name: "Run a test case"
description: "Run a test case in a Docker image via ebuild-commander"

    description: "Path to the test case definition file"
    required: true

  using: "composite"
    - name: "Download ebuild-commander"
      run: git clone
      shell: bash
    - name: "Install ebuild-commander"
      run: ./ install --user
      shell: bash
      working-directory: ebuild-commander
    - name: "Create directories for ::gentoo and Portage"
      run: sudo mkdir -p /var/db/repos/gentoo /etc/portage
      shell: bash
    - name: "Download ::gentoo"
      run: wget -qO - "" | sudo tar xz -C /var/db/repos/gentoo --strip-components=1
      shell: bash
    - name: "Run the test case"
      run: tests/ ${{ inputs.path }}
      shell: bash

Finally, there are two additional steps after the run-test-case action for each matrix. These steps are responsible for gathering the Portage ebuild logs and uploading a tarball containing them as an artifact for maintainers to peruse in case the test fails (detected using if: ${{ failure() }}). Note that /var/log/emerge is not the default path for ebuild logs; it is set by adding PORTAGE_LOGDIR="/var/log/emerge" to /etc/portage/make.conf.

Below is a screenshot of a workflow run based on the above configuration. The jobs with may-fail: true failed, but the workflow run’s overall status is still “Success”. For each failed job, an archive of its ebuild logs is available under “Artifacts”.

Workflow run results

While a CI build is usually triggered by a new push to the Git repository, on GitHub Actions, they can also be configured to run on a schedule. For ebuild tests, it might be useful to run them every day, so after a change in ::gentoo has rendered an ebuild in the repository not installable, the maintainers can be notified of the breakage within 24 hours.

    - cron: '0 0 * * *'

Use Cases of the Final Solution

I have been using this ebuild testing framework in my fork of the Spark overlay for more than three weeks, and the tests being run by it have been acting as both installation tests for the ebuilds in the repository themselves and integration tests with packages from ::gentoo. If an ebuild’s installation process cannot complete, emerge will throw a build error; if a dependency in ::gentoo no longer exists, emerge will exit with failure immediately during the dependency calculation stage. Both kinds of errors are propagated through Docker, ebuild-commander, the test scripts, and finally to the GitHub Actions runner, which will eventually draw maintainers’ attention to the underlying issue. Therefore, for maintainers of external and custom ebuild repositories who would like to get notified as soon as a change in ::gentoo breaking any ebuilds in it has happened, this solution can help them achieve the purpose.

Although this solution does not seem to be scalable at all to test the entirety of ::gentoo, which consists of nearly 20,000 packages as of now, maintainers who mainly work on ebuilds in ::gentoo can still use this solution for testing just a small subset of it. For example, developers making changes to a certain package can use this framework to test the changed ebuild itself as well as the package’s reverse dependencies. This was exactly how some of the testing for the new dev-java/jansi-1.13 ebuild I submitted to ::gentoo was done. Another potential use case is that Gentoo developers can create test cases for the packages they maintain and run them periodically to capture any issues in them even before any bug report comes in, so they can fix the problems as soon as possible.

See Also